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Customer case of plastic color sorter


      The owner of the Lebanese plastics factory wanted to sort the recycled plastics, and used manual sorting for a long time. Until he learned about the wesort color sorter, it not only replaced a lot of manual labor, but also the selected plastics were more accurate.

      After calling the resort manufacturer, he decided to buy such a machine. After paying, the staff came to his house to help him install the machine, input all the plastics he wanted to choose into the machine program, and Teach him how to use the machine.


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      Soon after, he became proficient in operating the machine, and he was very happy, because he didn't have to pay a high price to hire manual labor to sort these plastics, and he didn't have to get up early every day, because the boss said that the workload of each machine It's already been their manual workload for several days.

Customer case of coffee fruit color sorter


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